Hey you!
I’m Katie, a bridal hair stylist from Kent, UK and this is my first EVER blog post, so please be kind! ;-)

I’ve always enjoyed reading other peoples blog posts so plucked up the courage to start writing my own as I’ve got sooo much that I want to share with you. I’ve set myself a goal to post weekly with a different topic each week, which will range from, my experiences, product knowledge, hair tips and tricks, life as a bridal hairstylist, all things weddings, and my experiences from being a newly wed myself!
To start with I’m going to share with you my journey so far…
Many moons ago, more moons than I can count, there was a young girl who was waiting her GCSE results wondering what her next path would be… Oh wait that girl was me!
I did well and was proud of what I achieved but this didn’t really help me to decide exactly what to do other than the fact my best grades were in subjects that were more practical or creative e.g. textiles, P.E.
I always knew I wanted a more creative and practical role, and always had a interest in hair. Even at school I’d always get comments on my hair and took pride in my over the top side fringe. All of you 2009 school leavers know the side fringe I’m talking about, the one that literally went from ear to ear across your whole forehead. Looking back I realise it looked horrendous but hey I followed trends… well some of them, not all!
I then went to get my haircut at my local salon and the hairstylist I had (who has been a fabulous friend ever since) was also a trainer, and they were by chance looking for a new apprentice to start! RESULT! I applied and got the job.
For 18 months I received intense training in all aspects of hairdressing and gained valuable skills learning on the job in a well established, successful salon. Not too far into my apprenticeship, I discovered I was allergic to hair dye, YES I really was allergic to work! Haha. But this did not stop me, I was determined to not give up something I became so passionate about.
I soldiered on for 7 years and would wear gloves, use barrier cream but there was no avoiding the little splashes of hair dye on my skin or the residue of colour dripping from the freshly coloured hair which would leave me itchy, sore, blistered and weeping. I knew I had to either stop hair altogether or find my niche within hairdressing.
That’s when I took even more of an interest in bridal hair. I find it so creative, fun, therapeutic and ever SO rewarding! I would always go with the senior stylists and assist them at weddings until it became apparent that I had a natural ability and flare to create some of these looks.
I took the plunge to leave the salon and go solo so I could pursue my dream of becoming a successful bridal hairstylist and I have not looked back since!

So that brings us up to present day and I’m excited for the future!.. And many more blogs.
I hope you enjoyed the read and look forward to sharing my journey with you.
Katie x